Devlog #1

Welcome to Little Big Rabbits! My First Indie Project as NineRogues Indie Studio. My main focus is community, that's why you will see that in game we have a button dedicated to find the discord server. That is specially built for you, so you guys can find each other and play together.

When making the game I always put big emphasis on movement. During development i would never move on to the next stage if the movement wasn't satisfactory enough. Same went for the animations (They are still being worked on).

For the worlds and level design I found inspiration from Mario 3D World and New Super Mario Bros, (Many more mechanics are being worked on right now, will be added in future updates with more levels and mini-games).

The game is meant to be downloaded and played whenever you want, its yours and will always be. You are free to tinker with whatever you wish. Once purchased, the game is yours.

The development time has been 8 weeks non stop crunch time, mostly working on the core Game Loop scripts, Character Controller script, Level mechanics. Each of these tasks were completed separately in chunks of days of 2 - 3. What took the most time was the Level Creation. The game right now has 36 levels, I can definetly add many more and that is the plan. However after 8 weeks of heavy work i need to publish the game and rest. I want to see what you guys think about the game, tell me what you like, dislike, want to see being added.

Whats being worked on:

1) Mini games, i always had planned adding 2 minigames per world, with 12 minigames in total. These minigames have different mechanics, hence they are Mini-Games.

2) More boss fights, i have planned to add a mini-boss fight at the end of every castle level

3) Secret levels unlocked by:

- collecting gems

- finding secret spots in the LevelSelect world

- finding secret spots in the levels

- finishing the game will eventually have an end-game zone

4) Perhaps multiplayer, all of the above have been thought of being implemented, including a multiplayer feature where you can choose to play the game with other players, (like a world hub). Also would see to add races and vs mode, a PvP mode would be amazing and have also thought about it, thats why i already built all the mechanics for it.

Files 590 MB
Jan 15, 2020

Get Little Big Rabbits


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